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  • Writer's pictureImperial Astronomy Society

The Great Conjunction

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

What a great end to an awful year! A once-in-an-800-year opportunity. You’ve probably heard about 2020’s ‘Christmas Star’, where Jupiter and Saturn came together on 21st December, the day of the Winter Solstice.

Even though they appeared very close, the two largest planets in our Solar System were still hundreds of millions of miles apart in space.

Many believed that the planets would appear as one single entity in the sky, representative of the famous Star of Bethlehem that led the Wise Men to Baby Jesus in the Bible.

Who knows? All we know is that it looked absolutely stunning. Check out this image, captured by Bray Falls (@astrofalls on Instagram), shot with a Celestron 9.25 and ASI174mm.

NASA, 2020. The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. [online] Available at:

Image credit: Falls, B., 2020. Great conjunction. Available at:

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