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Talk by Professor Michele Dougherty

On the 14th of March, AstroSoc hosted Professor Michele Dougherty Professor Michele Dougherty, head of the Physics Department to give a talk on her experience during the Cassini Mission to Saturn and the future planning of JUICE.

She was the principal investigator of the magnetometer of the Cassini Spacecraft developed at Imperial! Some of the interesting discoveries were made during the mission include the discovery of plumes of water vapor coming off the surface of Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons. In the talk, she mentioned how the the Cassini mission was a huge part of her career having worked on the project for more that 25-years and the emotions that she felt as Cassini made its final descent into Saturn.

After the talk, Dr Dougherty had a short QnA session and where many interesting questions were raised. Massive thanks to Dr Dougherty for making time to speak to us.

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